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Defending Major City's


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Just an idea, I don't know if anyone has already done this, but I was thinking about a mod which would basically have the player defending Rivet City and Megaton from waves of various things from the wasteland.


For example:

First wave: Raiders using guns, pipes, knives etc


Second Wave: Mercenaries using Guns, plasma weapons, grenades etc

(Boss) 5 Raiders and 5 Mercs with named NPC with allot more health and better weapon, fully repaired assault rifle or plasma rifle.


Third Wave: Super mutants


Fourth Wave: Super mutant brutes and Masters

(Boss) Fawkes clone -different name, but very evil. Precision Gattling Laser.


Fifth Wave: Super mutant Overlords using Tri-beam laser rifles and Gattling lasers.


Sixth Wave: Raiders and Super mutants of all varieties fighting over who ever gets to kill you and everyone in the city and finally:

(Boss)Super Mutant Behemoth: With more health than the current Behemoths.


Fights could vary depending on the city you defend, so for example, the above could be defending Rivet City while Megaton could include Enclave instead of Raiders, or depending on Karma, Regulators/Mercs. Ghouls and maybe even FEV creatures if you have the mod installed. (This is just conjecture I have no idea how to mod my self).



Could be 30 seconds between each wave, Guards would help defend the city, if required have a follower helping you.


Can use any weapon you wish except for the Fat man, using this would make the whole thing to easy.


Have the ability to call for reinforcements from either cities, or the Brotherhood of Steel, but you can only do it once.


The whole thing could be started via a quest, picking up a holotape with attack plans from a random raider or something.


Just an idea, could be fun.

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It would kinda be better to put this in Mod Suggestions or stuff like that, but I've done a mod that at least suits the "Feral Ghoul" part of it.
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