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Morrwind Style Tweaks for Oblivion?


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Erm, Hello! ^^

I'm Kitty, and i'm new here, so please forgive any of my probable ignorance, feel free to correct me on if i'm doing somthing in the wrong place, asking redundant questions, etc.


To Business! Basicly i was wondering, Are there any mods out there that could change the Skill system in Oblivion to mimic the Major/Minor skill setup of Morrowind? And if not, are any of ye brave enough to adopt this quest? :3 It would be wonderful if you did, and were to re-introduce any forgotten skills, such as the Unarmored skill, back into the list with their own progression bar, as shown in the following wonderful mod? http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1956 ^w^ I am not a modder, at least yet anyway, so i dont know how plausible it all is, but i found it still worth asking. ^^;;


And my second question.. as i look through the mods on such great sites as this, i often come across Total Conversion mods, that twist the whole game anew. After seeing so many, i began to wonder.. Insted of just trying to create a whole new world, why not take the tech behind Oblivion, and simply Recreate Morrowind insted? Even a lack of voiceacting would be fine, to simply relive a wonderful game, with a new life breathed into it!

I know not if any are willing to try this, but if so, it would be a great and beloved feat by Morrowinders, and Oblivionites alike! =D


There you have 2 quests, laid out by a Fair..ly Nerdy Maiden! Open to Thiefs, Fighters, and Mages alike! And my Talos Guide you! ^w^

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