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Someone up for an artistic texturing challenge ?


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I've made this sword you can see here:




But there's a slight problem in actually using it, I can not make textures (you wouln't even believe how long I've tried with tutorials and everything to make metallic texture,

looks like rough stone). So I was thinking if someone would be up for the challenge? The sword isn't UV mapped yet, but that shouldn't be too hard,

it doesn't have that much verts and so on, the design is pretty simple.


I'd be glad if someone offered to do this, I've got no other plans for the texture than that of the handle should be blood red cloth, maybe to look like it's wrapped on it.

Other than that, you can use all your artistic talents, skills and ideas.


I'll probably have this sword on a mod, appropriate credits are of course given.


So, what do you say?

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I'll give it a shot! Texturing is my passion, and even though it's just been re-texturing already existing things thus far, I look forward to the challenge of something from scratch. I've got craptons of filters, brushes, and public domain imagery on hand. It would be all too easy.

I only ask that you export it into a nif for me, as my blender doesn't seem to be able to that. I get a weird error every time.

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I'm new to this whole mod thing and I was wondering what are you using to create the weapon? Is it a part of the CS or is it a whole different program all together?


you need to make a model , and then export it as a .nif. then you can add it in the cs. well, that's roughly what you need to do xD easier said then done

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Of course, I'll do it right nnnnooow.. (error, shutting down)


Takes a little while.


Could you possibly also point me to a site I could upload the file ? If not, I'll just throw it to Nexus.

Atleast you'll be getting it that way.


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