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Mod request (pet)


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Hi everyone. Not everyone will see the fun side of this but it's kind of an internal joke with a friend of mine.


Currently I'm running the "Pets of Chorrol" mod.


And only picking the rat.


What I would looove to have in the game. Either as a micro mod for itself or adding to the pets of chorrol is the following

weird creature.






A.k.a. The naked mole rat (rufus from kim possible but just the real animal).


For extra cookies from me and eternal thanks. Add a fur armor to the animal. It is a desert animal after all.


EDIT: Basically I would think it's "just" a matter of retexturing the rat model with a luxury model adding big teeth to the model.


Thanks in advance




PS. I hope someone else would want a huge toothed giant mole rat

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2nd and last bump.


Just because I remembered that fallout 3 allready has a mole rat model that looks quite like the naked molerat (hetero cephalus glaber) and I wanted to point out that it doesn't have to be a pet with working fur armor just painted on armor.


So I'm thinking that it would just require a naked mole rat plus fur armor around the midsection retexturing of the fallout mole rat imported to oblivion. :)


But what do I know about modding (allmost nothing) soooo...


Anyways I'm sorry for the rebump but as said I'd just really love to have this (to me) comical sidekick and my gf would laugh her panties off... and thats allways a good thing right?

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I'd be willing to give this a shot. Only thing right now is my "modding" compy is undergoing some upgrades, and it might be awhile till I get it back going again. But, if I get it up and running and no one else has done it yet, I'll see what I can do!


Here's hoping!

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@Albonaut: hehe it's no rush though. Oblivion has plenty of replay value for me with all the mods im trying out at the moment.


Allthough oblivion is on hold due to my mouse arm being completely messed up by 2 days of excessive wii bowling (and I still suck !!!).


Well I'd be gratefull if you did the mod :D


But no matter what I hope youre mod computer gets up and running fine soon. As a computer enthusiast whose appartment is buried in pc wrecks I know that a non functioning computer is just a waste of space. lol

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You got that right. Haha, a waste of space that could be used for wii bowling!


Anyways, it's all built and whatnot, I just need to install the OS and everything, which is actually my most hated part. Why can't I just build a computer and then ship it off and let someone else format it and everything?

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