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First Person ADS Issue

Guest deleted3900321

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Guest deleted3900321

Hey guys.


I'm having a bit of an issue here, where my viewmodel (first person hands) are skewed, regardless of what weapon i'm holding, or if i'm holding one at all.


I attached a screenshot showing what exactly the problem is, and the view is shifted up and left just like that for anything i'm holding. Even my bare fists are off-center.


I'm assuming this is a mod causing this issue, but i've disabled several mods that I would accuse of such an problem, to no avail.


As you can see with the bullet hole in the wall in the screenshot, the shots are still hitting where they're supposed to, but it's just my character's viewmodels that aren't centered.


I have quite a few mods installed (though not a heinous amount.) My total active ESP/ESM count is 47 as of right now, so my game isn't too bogged down, all things considered. But this one weird issue is practically game-breaking, forcing me to either play in third person or never aim down the sights again.


Note that my pip boy is also shifted halfway off-screen as well, when i try to pull it up. And no amount of holstering/switching weapons or crouching has helped that instance.


I've tried disabling everything from my hud mod to my readius itself, and nothing has helped. I even removed the entire character meshes folder, skeleton and all. Nothing's helping so far.


Can anyone offer some advice? It would be greatly appreciated.


And also please consider the fact that i've been modding for a couple years, and i've done multiple mod builds of fallout 3, new vegas, skyrim, you name it. So I'd like to say I know somewhat what i'm doing here. But this one issue has baffled me as of yet.


Any help anyone can give will be much appreciated.





If you can't quite tell, the ironsights are a great deal further up and to the left than the actual aiming point. (the center of the screen.)


If anyone needs my mod list, etc., I can provide it for a further analysis.

Edited by KungFuKitteh2
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Guest deleted3900321

Attention to anyone who's having this problem: I loaded a past save from a past playthrough (a whole different character from a time when i had an entirely different mod build.) and all my mods reactivated, which then solved this problem somehow. I'm not sure how or why it did, but it worked. So if you're having this problem, this may be your solution. It's the one that worked for me anyway.


-Cheers. :dance:

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