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Scripting Help Needed

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Don't be afraid to ask again if you ever get stuck. With things like scripting it is much easier to learn it should you inquire to certain things that confuse you. For me I never would have figured out that Triggerboxes behave weirdly with scripting and enable / disable consecutively and repeatedly do not work despite the script being correct. Sometimes it's better to ask than to frustrate yourself. If you ever need help don't be afraid to ask. Some people, like me, just enjoy helping others. You have no worry of annoying anyone.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Oh, sorry. I guess I console targeted the wrong thing when I did modpca luck. I'll rectify.

<Target Ima>

~ Modpca luck -500

<Target Ranokoa>

~ Modpcs SexAppeal 256 (6!!!)


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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