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npc idles frozen


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I've just recently started up oblivion again and downloaded the crowded cities mod by bkwyrm13. While using it, the npc's created by the mod and the oblivion npcs are frozen in place until i run up to them and afterwards they start moving again, i.e., walking/talking. (Take note that this only happens in game after I do a quickload or load from another saved game.) When I move away, however, they get stuck/frozen in their current position/movement such as frozen in place while taking a step or running. Once I run towards them again they get unstuck until they are some feet away repeating the process of them being stuck in frame once more. I don't know whats causing this as I originally thought it was the mod that was at fault not the game but even after disabling the mod the npcs still are doing this. The only way to work around this was to quicksave when in cities or currently location and fast quit (qqq) in control console then start up the obse launcher again. Anyway to get this bug to go away?
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