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Got a big problem...


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This past week I have been working on a personal use mod to fit in with my Black Hand Listener Role-play account that is a add-on to the AranMathi Ayleid Home Mod. I'm turning it into a evil lair for the Black Hand which I'm reforming and making stronger than ever.


I've put allot of time and effort into this over the past couple of days, but today I realized just how big of a mistake I've made... I built off the original esp but forgot it was bound to a OMOD so all the changes I've made will be removed as soon as I deactivate the OMOD... am I just doomed or is there anything I can do?


What I've done so far.


Grand Chamber


- Entrance Way






- Grand Statue and Portal Chambers


(8 of the portals have been connected to various locations around Tamriel)





(front view)




(side view)



- Throne Platform









(front view)



- Throne of Sithis





(front view)




(side view)




(in use)



- Walkway to Common Room


(Former walkway to Treasury if your familiar with AranMathi)






- Listener's Hidden Sanctum


(This is hidden in a chamber behind the master bedroom, if your familiar with AranMathi you will know what it is. The Portal in the center of the Alter of Sithis is a teleport to all player owned houses)





(entrance view)




(sleeping area)




(custom torches)




(shrine of sithis)



As you can see I've done allot and would hate to loose it all through some fluke...

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