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Dual Sheath Redux - Vanilla assets free to use?


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I want to use one of the left-hand mesh provided by DSR ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34155/? ), more specifically the Harkon's Sword left-hand mesh. I know they are vanilla assets, but I still want to know if they are free to be used or I need to ask DSR's authors about permission for that. The mod author might be quite busy, so I while I already posted in their mod's page, I'm wondering if anyone else has that information.


Thanks in advance.


EDIT: I'd like to specify that what I meant by "use" is that I want to modify Harkon's Sword to have a sheath, and I want to make a DSR patch along with this mesh modification for Skyrim. Out of convenience's sake, I want to use the mesh already provided by DSR for Harkon's Sword, hence my quesiton.

Edited by Mur4s4me
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It is very easy to dig out the vanilla mesh from the games .bsa files and do the left-hand conversion yourself.


In short it's no change to the mesh itself, it is only two strings that are changed and then the sword is changed with a different name.


At any rate, check DSRs optional files for the instruction files.

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I actually already know how to do DSR patches. I was just wondering if those already provided for vanilla meshes are free to use, since they are, well, vanilla meshes in the end. I guess there won't be any differences between me making one and using one from the mod if it's a vanilla mesh anyway.


Thanks for the reply.

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