Pahkiz Posted August 11, 2010 Share Posted August 11, 2010 Hi. I have installed few mods to make my game more interresting. Im talking about Fallout 3 game of the year edition. I had installed all other mods than fook 2 1.0 and after that 1.1 beta and it hotfixes and game worked well before that. But when i installed Fook2 something goes wrong and i dont know what. Boat that takes you to Point Lookout doesnt show up even if have found that place and talked to peoples there BEFORE I installed Fook2. I can see that platform/dock what ever it is, but no boat. It doesnt matter if i try to start new game becose that boat just isnt there and that mission doesnt even start, and then i cant even heart radio messages about expansions "the pitt" "Helping the outcasts" and "mothership Zeta" and message what tells yout that Brokenstell is loaded and level cap isn increased to 30 doesnt show up either.Making long story short, after isntalling Fook2 my fallout 3 adds doesnt work. Ihave installed Fose, arhievent invalidation invalidated program version, FOMM, and official Fallout 1.7 patch Loadorder:Fallout3.esmAnchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmCRAFT.esmCALIBR.esmxCALIBR.esmFOOK2 - Main.ESMFOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.ESMFO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esmVault 101 Revisited.esmCRAFT - Activation Perk.espFOOK2 - Main.espFOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.espFOOK2 Main [Hotfix].espFOOK2 DIK [Hotfix].espFOOK2 - Main Level Up Fix 1.3.espFOOK2 - DIK Level Up Fix 1.3.espCALIBRxMerchant.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).espxCALIBR_override_FWE5.espxCALIBRmunitions.espxCALIBRmunitions_FOSEnhancements.espBlackWolf Backpack.espBlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.espBlackWolf Backpack - Blank's Container Patch.espDragonskin Tactical Outfit.espDragonskinBonusPack.espDarNifiedUIF3.espTecVault.espMart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.espcleo_AdamantiumLimbs.espUPP - Pack 1.espUPP - Pack 2.espDree Perks.espFellout-Full.espFellout-Anchorage.espFellout-BrokenSteel.espFellout-pipboylight.espFellout-PointLookout.espFellout-Zeta.espConsole Key Binder.esp Total active plugins: 50Total plugins: 50 I really like the thing what Fook2 and FWE ads. I have tryied to fix this by myself about 10 times and istalled and unistalled game over and over again. I just dont know that goes wrong. Tell me what to do. What to instal and correct order and so on. Please help! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maigrets Posted August 11, 2010 Share Posted August 11, 2010 One thing I'd ask first is how you have Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp without the Mart's esm etc. This would be a problem in itself, but not related to the DLC's. Anyway, I recently started playing Fallout 3 again (after a long break) with FOOK2 and I'm now at level 20 and have done Point Lookout and I've just started Mothership Zeta. I've had no issues besides a few random CTD's which is pretty normal for the game and usually after a long play session. However, I'm only using FOOK2 plus a few other mods that don't interfere with anything FOOK adds. Did you read the documentation that came with the FOOK files regarding installation? It has a load order guide as well as which files you must and must not use. I'd advise getting BOSS-f to sort your load order as well. Here is the install guide from the Readme: The whole thing is too long to post but there is a thread here on these forums with the complete text if you search. 1.1 Installation STEP BY STEP: * Install Fallout 3, patch it with the official Patch 1.7, and if you own the DLCs, move them from \Documents and Settings\Your User Name\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Xlive\DLC (Windows XP) or \Users\Your User Name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\XLive\DLC (Windows Vista & Windows 7) to your Fallout 3\Data folder. * Download ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! (AII!) ( ) and install it. * Download Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) ( ) and install it. * Download Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) - Strongly recommended - ( ) and install it. * Download and install FOOK2 1.0. * Delete EVERY SINGLE 1.0 plugins. *censored*, EVE, Mothership Zeta plugins, the main esms, remove them ALL. * It is advised that you use a clean install and a new game, rather than continuing a save from previous versions - otherwise many of the fixes may not work. * Download and install the new 1.1 Beta 2. * Use Fallout Mod Manager to arrange your load order (see Standard Load Order below) and to launch the game with FOSE. RECOMMENDATIONS: * Be careful to remove *censored*, EVE and all the other FOOK2 plugins / fixes. They are now integrated into FOOK2 - Main.esm. * DIK now require Mothership Zeta to launch itself. * Be careful of outdated Compatibility Patches and plugins. WMK-FOOK2 plugin was already too old for FOOK2 1.0, and wasn't compatible with the EVE Plugin (which has now been merged). Outdated plugins may crash your game. * Major mods added to FOOK2 1.1 are EVE, Phalanx, DLC Refurbished, AMPUTATE, Selected Containers Respawn, Melee Lock-On, Fellout, Streetlights mod. You must remove those mods from your load order before using 1.1. * Be careful if you are using the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch to load it before FOOK esps. Note that the UF3P Broken Steel patch may be crashing your game, with or without FOOK. * Be careful with the Destruction mod, as some of its plugins require *censored* as a master - master that don't exist anymore in 1.1. The best solution is probably to remove Destruction until a proper update is made to the mod. * It is highly advised to remove FOOK2 & DIK 1.0 from your load order, to wait with your savegame in an empty cell for four days, and then to activate FOOK2 1.1 if you dont want to create a new character. Check the credits for other incompatiblies that may happen with 1.1. * Be careful to have your game updated to official patch 1.7, and your FOSE to at least v1.2b. * Remove anything of value from the Amata, Brianna, Lucy West and Colonel Autumn followers before to install FOOK 1.1. They are removed from the mod. The Brianna and Lucy West should be generally usable by loading the original mod. Amata and Colonel Autumn will break the other followers dialogue if they are loaded, however. * Follower overhaul mods are not likely to play nice with FOOK. * Mods which make modifications to vanilla followers may make the follower not obey commands. If this happens, the author making a FOOK-specific version of the mod (when FOOK it is out of beta) should rectify this. * Some mods which add followers will break Malcolm, Deisha, and K-9, and mess up the dialogue for the other followers. This indicates a design problem with the other mod, if this happens. 1.1 Standard Load OrderOfficial esms must be in the same order as here, and FOOK esps should always be last, again in the same order as here. Use any other mod at your own risks. Almost all Compatibility Patches were made for FOOK 1.0 and are now way outdated, and will kill your game. * Fallout3.esm * Anchorage.esm * Pitt.esm * BrokenSteel.esm * PointLookout.esm * Zeta.esm * Calibr.esm <other mods> * FOOK2 - Main.esm * FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm <other mods> * FOOK2 - Main.esp * FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp * FOOK2 Main [Hotfix].esp * FOOK2 DIK [Hotfix].esp If you dont own the DLCs, just remove anything DLC-related: * Fallout3.esm * Calibr.esm <other mods> * FOOK2 - Main.esm <other mods> * FOOK2 - Main.esp * FOOK2 Main [Hotfix].esp The DLC's have been delayed by default as in you don't get the notification straight out of the vault. This is for immersion. You have to explore to find them. I can tell you to start Point Lookout you need to visit Rivet City first and speak to someone. Then the boat should appear when the quest starts. Since you have FOSE use the "O" key (not zero) to change or review FOOK2 options. You can also force start the DLC's this way, meaning you'll get the radio messages. You could also go to the FOOK forum to read through info on which mods work with FOOK and other important info. Note also that followers have been changed with FOOK so if you decide to use other mods that add them you may have problems. I didn't really like the changes to vanilla followers at first but after getting used to them I find it very good and very easy to manage. There is an NPC added called Gary outside Megaton who will help with followers if you have them getting lost, which is not a FOOK issue itself but happens in vanilla as well. Plus he can help with many other things. The work that's gone into developing all this is amazing to say the least. 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anokii Posted August 12, 2010 Share Posted August 12, 2010 Sorry but your asking for trouble trying to run both FOOK2 and FWE - there are enough issues in each one individually not to mention together.They are both massive mods and I think if you check on both of their respective web sites you will find plenty of warnings telling you not to run them together.Unfortunately your going to have to choose one or the other - personally I ran through the whole game with the latest FOOK2 and then again using FWE. I much prefer FOOK2 and have just set it up again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pahkiz Posted August 17, 2010 Author Share Posted August 17, 2010 Thanks for the help guys. I Reinstalled everything once again and followed those step one by one and now allmost everything works! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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