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Padomaic Abyss: Lore buffs needed to check narrative


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For the Aldmeri, I suggest you look to lore about the Altmer for inspiration. The Altmer are the race that departed the least from the Aldmer, and I believe even now that they're quite similar in appearance, culture and language. I suggest you look at the Aldmeri Dominion section of the PGE First Edition and the PGE Third Edition. Keep in mind the thing about TES lore though. :wink:




PGE First Edition: http://www.imperial-library.info/content/pocket-guide-empire-first-edition-aldmeri-dominion


PGE ThirdEdition: http://www.imperial-library.info/content/pocket-guide-empire-third-edition-blessed-isle-alinor-and-summersets

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You could also perhaps explain the coral reefs with that they are the stone or barrier keeping the water back, or at least part of that system.


However perhaps exactly that barrier could keep Zir from reaching new Sloads or generally people outside of it?


Those dragged down by the maelstrom would be the only people he could overtake.

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