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Confederate Coat


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The second I heard of Point Lookout I thought "Awesome! I'll be strolling in a grey coat in no time!" . Unfortunately, the only confederate thing in PL was a cap.... A cap. And then, month after month passed and the modding scene still hasn't made the bloody coat.


So basically, something like http://reunion.omnica.com/LargePics/Virginia%20Confederate%20Frock%20Coat.jpg only more grey and opened. The leather armor under the coat.


Could someone, please make it? I'd be oh, so thankful.

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There was one textured by Camon from the Col. Autumn coat that was on the Nexus but it seems he has removed the file. On the plus side, Cornflower has released a small pack of Camon's work on the Nexus and you can view / download it here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9412

The confederate coat / cavalry hat is included with this pack (just take a look at the images).

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