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AK-47 from Elysium


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They are like AK-47's but modified to shoot lasers and they sound really loud and cool if you ever seen the movie.


1) http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/294/1/1/ak_47_upgraded__elysium__by_neometalsonic360-d6rdufi.png


2) http://thepropstop.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/elysium2013akm5.jpg



Also has anyone thought of making a C7A12?


C7: http://www.army-armee.forces.gc.ca/assets/ARMY_Internet/images/weapons/c7a2-automatic-rifle-m.jpg

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Actually only saw the movie last night


Ah, the sweet rhythmic sound of exploding AK bullets......


EDIT: In all seriousness, if someone made the model I could create the textures and set up the actually weapon in the GECK

Edited by KangarooSwag
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