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enchantment / gem charge behavior

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I'm playing through the game for the first time in a few years, and one of the mods I'm using causes the player to level 4x more slowly. (lots of fun!) In keeping with the spirit of that idea, I'd like to have control over the magnitude of early player-created items. I took a cheap ring and a petty soul gem to the altar and tried adding a fortify intelligence enchantment. I had forgotten that you don't get any control over the magnitude, and what I got was +7 points. I want +1. or +2 or something, but not +7. Not to mention it would've cost 1/4 of my precious savings.


I'm thinking that in the interest of simplicity, I should just use the construction set to make some low-level enchanted items, but I wondered if there was a possible solution for use in-game. I thought I could create some soul gems with a capacity <150, but I don't see a clear way of doing that - and besides, then petty souls wouldn't fit.. I guess I need to have a look at some mods that alter the capacity/charge of soulgems, but I thought since everyone here has been so helpful, I'd throw it out there and see if anyone has some advice on how to approach controlling effect magnitude where currently hard-coded.


Thank you for reading, and all advice is welcome! :)

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Hmm.. Most people look for mods that INCREASE the soulgem capacity. I'll look around for a bit (as long as my internet allows) and see if I can find something.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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I'm not aware of a mod that does precisely what you're looking for, but I'll keep my eyes open.


In the meantime,

[shameless plug] you might consider trying the mod linked below, "Swap Broken Armor and Weapons..."

One of that mod's features is that enchantments weaken as armor or weapons take damage. It has no effect whatsoever on jewelry or clothes though, and I know it's not exactly what you're looking for. [/shameless plug]

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cool concept though - I'll take a look at it! :)

Looking forward to any info, but please don't spend too much time looking on my behalf - I was hoping someone reading might've dealt with altering the enchantment system before and would already know what to do. I still plan to dissect a bigger-soulgem mod to see how they changed the capacity or way capacity affects item charge.

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