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Dead actors detecting player, breaks my mod!

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I'm having a problem where dead actors continue detecting me after combat with them. The sneak eye is not lit, nor do I seem to actually BE detected, but with console I click them and use "getdetectionlevel player" and it shows up I'm at level 3 detection from them. If I go indoors, their detection toward me finally goes to 0. Is there anything known about this? I'm trying to make a mod that depends on whether I'm detected via player.isactordetected, and after days of trying to fix things that weren't broken, I finally noticed it wasn't my mod all along; it's from this "bug"!


Basically the mod is: Being naked is illegal in public places. If you're caught going around topless/naked, you get a temporary 500 bounty and attention from guards who will arrest you. If you get away from whoever saw you, you lose the bounty and infamy, but if you did anything evil meanwhile, you don't lose the infamy. Everything about it seems to work fine as long as nothing goes into combat with me and dies.


Is there an alternate way, maybe with OBSE, that can read off the sneak eye instead?

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You mean, you're making a naked is illegal mod yourself?


Because there's already one out there that works pretty well.




It references whether or not you have certain body slots filled. So any clothes that include nudity meshes but fill those slots, don't work with the mod.



If you're doing it differently, like say your mod tags individual clothing items as "nude" or "covered", then that would be better. If so, make it an .esm so other people can use their modded clothes to count as naked or not.


Sorry I can't help your actual problem. :confused:

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Ohh! I didn't know one already existed, thanks much, I'm gonna try it! Kudos for you. :D


Mine was actually really simple and just added a 500 bounty (alerts guards) while detected by someone, if you have nothing on your upperbody slot. It looks like this one's much more in depth and has people react and stuff, neat!

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