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CS Crash regarding adding new Dialogue


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"Right click on the empty list under Editor ID and select Add Topic. Scroll down untill you find GREETING in capital letters, select it and hit OK. Now right click in the empty list at the top under the Info column and select new." - it crashes when Ever I click New, it freezes for 2 seconds and then CTD.


Im trying to create a Custom Companion thats independant of CM and Share and Recruit but this is just another Stupid Bug I dunno how to get rid of.


I have Windows 7 and my CS is I think the first Version tho my game has Knights, Shivering isles and updated to 1.2 416 patch ( it is the GOTY edition so it all came in one pack)


EDIT: my CS is the 1.2 404 version. Do I need to update?


Do I need to update my CS incase or is it just not Windows 7 friendly? Please reply ASAP as I really wish to finish this so I can proceed ahead with this. Not really one for Scripting as I tend to use Default packages or duplicate existing ones.


HELP!!!!!!!!!! :wacko:

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I also Testing this out On the Fallout 3 GECK too and does exactly the same.


So its not just isolated to the CS.



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Would doing it through the Dialogue Window fix it instead of the Quest Window?


Somebody answer ASAP!!!



:sad: Please.....?

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Have you tried running it in compatibility mode for a different operating system? Right click on the CS, select Properties, click the Compatibility tab above, and you'll see the box to check.


I have Windows 7 as well, and there are some things the CS just doesn't want to do. I can't delete sound effects from regions, for instance. They delete just fine, but when I go back into the window again, they're back like nothing happened. The CS won't let me delete them.



When you start the CS, does it appear to hang at around 33% and then load? Mine does, and if I run it in compatibility mode for XP, it goes through all the numbers 0 - 100% just fine and then loads. So there is definitely something fishy going on with the CS in Windows 7, in the crash or semi-crash department.


You might try running in different compatibility modes. If that doesn't help, I don't know what to say. I sucks when in-house software that was written for their particular XP workstations in 2003 or so doesn't behave.... :confused:


Good luck.



(It also sucks when nobody answers your pleas for help, and you know somebody knows the answer because it's been done a million times already.... :dry: )

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I have tried the different compatability modes but still no change. The default was XP Service Pack 3, natuarrly I changed itto the latest Vista to see if anychange but nope.


None of the Compatability modes work at all.


What I am gonna try and do is copy an existing Dialogue say from one of the Testing Hall NPCs used for testing Dialogue and Quests and change it accordingly.


I dont know it this will work but we'll see. I want to make a comapnion mod, and a Companion Mod I shall make!


There should be a Compatability Mode for Windows 7. Can I ask what settings your CS is on in your Windows 7?

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  • 3 months later...

I'm having the same problem. I run under Vista, and I still can't add a new topic without crashing, even with compatibility mode. I've searched around, but haven't found a solution. Instead of making a new topic, I thought I'd post here in the hopes that someone could help.

Edit: I found the fix on another forum - plug in a mic. Not sure why it works, but it does. Hopefully others will find this useful.

Edited by Legoless1
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