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I'm not familiar with the masks mod, but here's a guess. For some reason companions cannot use clothing items that are equipped in the tail slot. And a lot of mods that add non-standard items use that slot. I mean, there is no "mask" slot... so I'd guess the masks use the tail slot and that's why your companion won't equip it.


You can change the slot in the CS. Change it from tail to, I don't know, head or something. Ring or amulet should work too. Then the companion can wear it.

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I know when I was creating a CM companion that wore clothes from the Apachii Goddess Store and had a custom weapon, she never equipped the clothes (so was just standing there in her undergarments reading. O.o) or had the weapon equipped. I can't remember whether the items were in her inventory or not (I don't think I even checked), but I fixed the problem by converting the mods (Apachii Goddess Store and Crossbows of Cyrodiil) from ESPs to ESMs using Wrye Bash, then loading the master files (ESM) instead of the plugin files (ESP) in CS. Then before I started the game and checked the mods in the data files, I converted them BACK to ESPs and it worked flawlessly. Perhaps it could be something like this? Unless I've misinterpreted and got it completely wrong. XD
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Good luck. Converting ESPs to and from ESMs isn't as hard as it sounds. Just right click the mod you want to convert and click "esmify/espify self." (depending on what you want to do) or something to that effect. Just don't forget to change them back before you go into the game to test it.
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