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Changing My Character's Voice?


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I was wondering... is there a way to change my existing character's voice? I have all the files for the voice I want, but I don't know what to do with them. How can I put them in place of the current voice files for my character? If it matters, my character's race is Ren's Mystic Elf.
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Since you're already using a custom race, this makes things alot easier.


Sound files for being hit, rumors, and such generics are determined by the race>voice settings. What you'll want to do, since this is for your own use? is to open up Ren's package, and set the voice for your character's race/gender to woodelf.


Next, create the directorys


make a new directory based on your gender "m" or "f" in that woodelf directory.

Move your voice files with the .lip (if you have one) to that directory naming it exactly the same as the default sound such as generic_hit_00023e40_1 or generic_powerattack_000c454c_1. If you have a BSA extractor, after some time, you can figure out all the sound files you're likely to hear the PC use.


Woodelf is used because it isn't in use by the any of the normal settings, so should be available to be used in this manner. And because the CS doesn't seem to like adding new folders for race sounds. It is very possible that even doing this won't let you change the voice of your player. I havn't personally tried any of this. But, without changing the sounds of the default races currently in use, this would be the only way I know of since, as far as I know, the sound files for getting hit, or attacking aren't attached to any dialoge or weapon. If you get it working however, I'm sure there are a few people out there that would like to add their own unique voices to their custom races (Note: ALOT of work involved if for a non-PC).


If however, you did not use a custom race, you would have to switch to using one (even if it's a copy of a default one) to get the sound files to work (provided what I describe even does anything).


In this, I am making the assumption that Beth used the same checking proceedure for generic sound directories for all race settings. This may not be the case, so try changing directories around if it doesn't work as described.

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How do I edit races in general using CS? It seems I can only figure out how to edit NPCs.


I'm going to try just creating a directory for the Mystic Elf voice and see if that works. I'll let you all know if that worked later.


EDIT: No, that didn't work...

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How do I edit races in general using CS? It seems I can only figure out how to edit NPCs.


I'm going to try just creating a directory for the Mystic Elf voice and see if that works. I'll let you all know if that worked later.


EDIT: No, that didn't work...


It's under Character>Race, in the general data tab there's a selector for voice. The voice that is pointing to should be the directory in the data\sound\voice\oblivion.esm\*****\(m/f)\ folder used for the voice files. You'd have to open up Ren's package (or the package containing whatever custom race) as active to change the voice for that race, otherwise there are likely to be conflicts.

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How do I edit races in general using CS? It seems I can only figure out how to edit NPCs.


I'm going to try just creating a directory for the Mystic Elf voice and see if that works. I'll let you all know if that worked later.


EDIT: No, that didn't work...


It's under Character>Race, in the general data tab there's a selector for voice. The voice that is pointing to should be the directory in the data\sound\voice\oblivion.esm\*****\(m/f)\ folder used for the voice files. You'd have to open up Ren's package (or the package containing whatever custom race) as active to change the voice for that race, otherwise there are likely to be conflicts.


Okay.. I changed the race's voice to another voice, but now every time I start up the game, it freezes at the opening credits sequence. I press the spacebar to bypass that, and it freezes on the initial loading before the menu.

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Alright, I'm going to try this myself. I don't have my own voices, so I'm using a full set of Imperial Female voices, put into a oblivion.esm\woodelf\f\ directory. Loaded up the game ok, but had no sounds and the playerclone I've been playing with (long story, maybe a released mod when I feel it is safe enough for public use) had no voice either. This would lead me to assume that either only the currently selected voice types are valid for player/general NPC use, or the voices need to be setup individually for that race voice. It could also be that I have the directories for those voices wrong seeing as how when changing the settings in Ren's mod, his/her races were also available in that list. Since I havn't found any place that might point to custom sounds used by custom races there really isn't any further advice I can suggest.


Your problem with starting up the game might have either been how you setup the voice in the package, or because the directory didn't contain enough voices. Either way, you should probably change back things to how they were until someone more knowledgable comes along to set both of us right.

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Well, what I'm trying to do is use the Ainmhi voice with my Mystic Elf character. I don't know if it makes a difference with them both being custom races, or what. But Ainmhi, unlike the other races, already have a folder for their voice in the sound directory. Anyway, changing the voice in CS to Ainmhi for some reason duplicates the Mystic Elf race, and I think that's why my game crashed. I can get the game to run by disabling the Ainmhi plugin before I start the game (not opening the Ainmhi pack also fixes the duplication thing)... But it's annoying not being able to do what I want.
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But it's annoying not being able to do what I want.

Yeah, I get that feeling alot. Usually when I'm trying something that isn't too wll documented.


But, since you have some guide already doing what you want, have you tried making a copy of the Ainmhi folder, renaming it the same as RenMysticElfF, RenMysticElfFtt01, RenMysticElfM, RenMysticElfMtt01 (whichever one you use for your PC) putting it in the same root folder as the Ainmhi folder? Then changing the settings in Ren's Mod (only loading that one and base esm) to whichever race name you just used as a folder?


If one mod got it to work, the trick is figuring out how they got it to work.

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But it's annoying not being able to do what I want.

Yeah, I get that feeling alot. Usually when I'm trying something that isn't too wll documented.


But, since you have some guide already doing what you want, have you tried making a copy of the Ainmhi folder, renaming it the same as RenMysticElfF, RenMysticElfFtt01, RenMysticElfM, RenMysticElfMtt01 (whichever one you use for your PC) putting it in the same root folder as the Ainmhi folder? Then changing the settings in Ren's Mod (only loading that one and base esm) to whichever race name you just used as a folder?


If one mod got it to work, the trick is figuring out how they got it to work.

Yes, I did try that, but every time I even change anything, there is a duplicate made... Which crashes the game, as far as I can tell.

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Yes, I did try that, but every time I even change anything, there is a duplicate made... Which crashes the game, as far as I can tell.


Are you setting Ren's mod as the active file, or are you loading it and saving a new mod? You should be loading it as the active. If so, I don't get how you mean of a duplicate.

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