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New arrowhead meshes resource


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I find the arrowheads in Skyrim ridiculous. They are usually obviously inconvenient (like the fork-like dragonbone arrows) or ridiculously large and unrealistic (like the Daedric, Dwarven and Elven ones). The only ones that slightly resemble a real life hunting arrowhead are the ones on the iron and steel arrows (and this last one is on the limit of what can be considered tolerable). I know there are replacer meshes out there, but they are usually for one specific arrow.


What I'd like to see is a mod with a pack of several different arrowheads that you could choose for each arrow. For example: you take a look at several arrowheads while installing and decide that this specific arrowhead would look nice on the Elven arrows. So you tick the Elven Arrow box and go on to choose the next arrowhead. The installer could work the other way around: you could go from each vanilla arrow and checking the boxes for what arrowhead you want with that arrow. Matching textures and support for the most endorsed arrow mods would be nice too.


I know this requires plenty of modeling skills, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

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You know what'd i'd like to also see? Flint arrows. Flint was used as weapon material. They even made swords and stuff, using the same principle as Mayan Obsidian weapons


edit: actually, sorry to jump on this, but why are glass swords MADE OF PURE GLASS!!!! Glass weapons worked like those classic Obsidian swords because Glass weapons broke ALL THE TIME. the Mayan swords were designed as basically having cartridges for blades to be inserted in

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