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Personal Fallout Shelter


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So i have a place laid out and a bit of it working, like a system to make it more like an actual house that you have to work for instead of just getting it all at once with a easily accessed key.

Its in a location you can easily fast travel to, mildly secure with occasional dangers and right next to a previous trade route. The problem is my quest making, mavmeshing and NPC modifying in general are nonexistent.

So I'm here asking if anyone would help me in finishing what i started last year.

I don't know how much more work it would take but it would be nice to get this done and i cant do it myself.

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If you go to:



It's official GECK tutorial, should help you get a grip around navmeshing, NPC modifying, and what not. And of course, the quest making part as well. You don't actually have to do everything they say, just read, look at the pics, watch a video or two and get a grip on what your trying to learn, then experiment with your own creation.


If you already done all of these, well...

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