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planning for getting a new desktop gaming computer suggestions anyone?

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so main focus for whut to spend on and whut to try and restrain myself on would likely be motherboard/processor/ processor's,hard drive, some basic quantity of RAM 6-9 GB ot to be plenty,7-800 watt power should be fine,graphix like you all said something mid range will do and ive had the 5770 recomended to me by others ive known for a while now too so that seems like a solid choice, drives meh a standard DVD-R/RW should do fine,other then that shrug idk still getting some details worked out lol, any advice on a decent case and whut kind of cooling i should consider for effective long term use, never really looked into the whole liquid cooling bit so anyone got the info on airflow cooling versus liquid? itll probably help narrow my choice of cases idk tbh as i said never really looked at it before. been out of touch for a few years and wasnt one to keep in touch with the latest with cooling advances as long as my PC is kept good im happy lol whut more can i really ask for :happy: . anyway thanx to everyone for the help so far and in advance thanks for any help. again any info is appreciated.
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