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Companion mods not spawning?


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This might be a stupid question, but it seems like my companion mods are not spawning. At first I tried Stoker Wolff, but when he didn't spawn I thought it might be a glitch with the mod. But then I tried the Ruined-Tail's Tale mod, and he didn't spawn either. Both times I saved outside the area they were supposed to spawn in so that wouldn't be an issue. Below is a screencap of my mod order on OMM:




I feel like this shouldn't be an issue and I'm just doing something very obviously wrong...I'm pretty new to modding, so I don't completely get the process. xD


EDIT: I can't really get a bigger pic than that, sorry. :/

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Very strange problem. Your mod list is not all that large and complicated. I am trying to imagine what could possibly conflict. Ruined Tail wanders around to the left of the Arena if you are standing in the doorway looking out. I don't he is initially disabled. I think he is there from level 1.


You might try deactivating the mod, making a clean save, and then activating it again.


You might try searching a wider area. If there was a battle, the companion might have run off somewhere.


If you have a bit of modding skill, you can place a quest marker on the companion so you can hunt him down and see where he is hiding. If you get to the marker and nothing is there, he is either glitched and underground, or disabled.

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