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UTC files


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hrm. Well without actually seeing what you're seeing on the screen, I'm wondering if you're working on an extracted .utc file? Those are stripped down versions of one from local copy.

So that might be whats going on if you're not getting the full content that you're looking for.

If you wouldnt mind posting a screenshot, that might help give a better idea of what you're trying to describe if its a regular local copy .utc ;)

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Well the toolset doesn't have Awakening's creature files in it, so I find the designercreatures.erf file, extract the UTC I want to edit to my projects folder, but then when I try to open up the extracted UTC all I see is this jumbled mess, nothing that seems to be properly editable... :pinch:



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Hrm. well... that looks like an extracted utc file to me. I was expecting something with screwed up lettering and stuff from the original description hehehe ;)


Hmmm, so ok... what are you wanting to edit about Nate, here?

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Him and a couple of other characters... just the clothes they're wearing and stuff. Like that possessed girl you meet in the fade during the Blacksmarsh quest? I really don't understand why she's wearing mage robes so I want to change that... :wacko:



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ahhhh I see. So this is basically the same project as you were having in another thread? Gotcha, no problem ;)

Ok, after the information that my bro provided.... dunt ask why he didnt comment himself, I dunno :wacko: ... but with the information that he gave me on what all it would take to FULLY unlock the files... I've come to the conclusion that it would be a lot simpler and faster to create a New character, based off of the existing .utc and .chr files of the existing characters.

In essence... to create a new version of Nate, the possessed girl, and/or any others that you're wanting to edit. Name them the same, use the same system names for them, and have them in the override folder.

In this way, you'll have full access to ALL their properties, and full editability (if thats a word, lol) and be able to take care of some of the aspects of the game that I know from some of your other posts, has been bugging you for a while.


But yeah, the toolset doesnt export or extract a full file. A stripped down version like what you're looking at in that .utc file. Some of the info is missing from it, that would be in a full file (such as the changing the visible character name thats been plaguing my own project).


(his response included using programs like hex editors, decrypters, and some sql editing tools.... and please dont be offended, but that would be a LOTTA learning just to understand what he was talking about (for me!). So I think this is probably your best bet.


I definitely hope that this helps, and most definitely wish you good luck :)


PS- much thanks for posting the screenshot. That definitely helped us out with what you were talking about :) :thumbsup:

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