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UTC files


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*huge sigh* Ok, I owe ya massive apologies here. I'm coming down with oldheimerz or some chit. Yeah, what you need to edit IS in this file. Dunno what the hell I was thinking about here.


But before that, I do wanna go ahead and mention for future reference that I havent ever found any dialog or plot references in either a .utc or .chr file. So no worries there ;)


Ok, go ahead and open up your exported .utc file.


- Scroll down to Equip_ItemsList (highlighted blue in the pic) You'll see some number values listed below that after you expand it by clicking the + next to it. Each of those are equipment slots.


- Click on the + next to 0 to expand it. You'll see where it says TemplateResRef. (highlighted purple/red). And then over from that, you'll see an item's filename (highlighted orange).


- Click in area that I highlighted orange, and either type or paste value (if you've copied the filename from another file) the filename of the item that you want to substitute.


- Rinse and repeat until you've got them geared like you want them.







*** Now, IF they dont have enough slots, you can add some. This is a bit of work.

1) Right click on where it reads ITEMLIST, and right click on it. Choose Insert then choose Structure. You'll see a new number pop up there.

2) Right click on the new number and choose Insert then choose RESREF

2a) Rename that new FIELD to TemplateResRef there right next to where its below your new number. Basically making it look just like the item number above it.

3) Right click on your new number and choose Insert, then BYTE.

3a) Rename that new field to Stealable.

4) Repeat 3-3a except rename it to Droppable.


5) Now once you've got that done, you'll need to set values for the new fields. In TemplateResRef, is the item's filename that you want them to have.

For Stealable and Droppable... Its either a 0 or a 1. And this translates back to binary programming. 0 = negative/no 1 = positive/yes.

So if you want a thief to be able to steal this item, you mark it as 1. If not, then you want to mark it as 0 By typing that number into the box.

Droppable, if you want the player to be able to loot it, 1, if not, then 0.




A) You're going to need to know the filenames for the items that you want in these slots. (But you already know that. Just posting it for future reference)

B) I'm iffy on which of these spots is which location. I KNOW that slot 0 is always the primary weapon. Such as a staff, longsword, 2h sword, axe, maul, etc.

1 is usually the offhand weapon, if there is one. Now, beyond that, I am not sure if it matters what you put where. I'd recommend looking at a few other .utc files and comparing them to see if the armor/clothes are in different locations on those, or if they all take up the same slots in a set pattern.

C) Unfortunately, I Dont know what those numbers are there at the end of structure :( :( :(


Again...I'm really sorry for having my head up my arse this time around. Hugely dropped the ball, and really, really sorry about that! :wacko:


But yeah, this should be what you need to get you rolling, and sorted out, for the most part (aside from those ItemsList slots, and the filenames).

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