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Mass changing Editor IDs OR sorting only created content


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Hello again,


so i have been toiling away at my armor (and clothes and weapon) mod shop and something occurred to me. I have a hard time tracking down all the custom created weapons and armors, so i would like to know if there is a way to mass change the editor IDs (specifically, add something in front of them, like a number or some letters), or if it is possible to show only custom (user) created content in the CES or at least have it sort first or last?


That would make my work infinitely easier as i could then add items to containers in bulk, instead of doing it piecemeal (and hoping i didn't overlook something that was hidden between some core Oblivion items).




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Ermmm. If I understand this correctly, what you are suggesting doing is basically.. Not a good idea in any sense of the word.


You can flip through the order it appears by clickin either Name, ID, etc, and they will alternate from a to z. But changing the editor ID of ANY item that you don't actually need changed or basically changing something vanilla just so it orders differently is a horrible idea. It can potentially mess up the entire game. Don't do it.


You have to go piece by piece, and yes, I know, it can get monotonous. But every great modder has done it at some point or another, and trying to avoid spending more time doing it by changing a bunch of editor IDs will not only make people never want your mod, but will break quite a bit of the game for those who downloaded it already. Including yourself. That makes all the real work you did change all for naught. NEVER change editor IDs for vanilla objects for any reason other than it's NEEDED for your mod. Absolutely a horrible idea.

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ranokoa, thanks for the quick reply.


No actually changing editor IDs is completely safe (only Form IDs actually affect what is going on in the game. Editor IDs are only a courtesy to us non computers, so we know what is what. It would not change anything at all, except how WE see it). So i am fairly sure it is not a horrible idea. In fact, when you have two things with the same Editor ID, the CES already changes it to "name...DUPLICATE". So if it that was so horrible, i am pretty sure the CES wouldn't do that.


And just so you get an idea what i am talking about. I merged almost all the armor/weapon/clothing mods i found on TESNexus (and some other places). So we are literally talking about hundreds of items. If i would go through it 1 by 1 i would be probably 200 years old before playing the game again.


When merging with TES4Edit you get the option to add a prefix or suffix to the Editor ID, which is a great function. Sadly i merged most of the mods with TESGecko, which does not offer that functionality.


I know that you can order it in CES by clicking on the TAB. That is the whole reason i want to add a prefix to the modded items.

Alternatively it would be great if there was an option in CES that would only show your own content (or the content that is in the active data file). That would basically fulfill the same purpose.


What if i would export the Editor IDs with WryeBash, and then edit it in a text program, and then re-import that?

Remember, i am NOT talking about the FormID, that can (and must) stay the same.


And i have no intention to change any Vanilla Editor IDs (even though if i wanted to, it would still be safe, see above, unless i do it in the original ESM)... i ONLY talking about the mod items (separating them from the Vanilla items is the crux of my question).





Addendum: By the way my mod is not intended for anybody to be downloaded or used but myself. So i am not worried about breaking it for anybody else. It is a learning mod for myself. Should i ever want to share anything i do, then i would make sure it would not break anything for anybody. Besides, if there was a way to add a prefix, then there also would be a way to remove it, right ;)

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