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Missing hands and feet


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Missing hand and feet body parts on NPC's while wearing certain clothes and armor. I know it's because there are some mesh files missing. I just don't know which mod caused the problem. Short of rebuilding the game from scratch again are there any idea's? or is there a proper load order I should observe? May one mod overwrote another? Anyways any suggestions?



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I installed and ran the BOSS and I started getting double pupils on some of the NPC's and some with no eyes at all. So I deactivated the "CCR_-_EE_OMOD-17042" and reactivated it overwriting any files. That cleared the problem but other than that still I'm missing some hands and feet. Example on this I installed the "CM Pellena Trader twins" and they're both missing hands and feet wearing the Elven armor. Take it off them and they're fine.

I can see iron boots I can pick them up but when I put them on my feet disappear. So the problem is still there,


Now the idea to install the "Formid" did help identify the exclamation marks. It appears that some icons are missing. Hopefully this will lead to all my solutions.



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