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Modified heads in cutscenes


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It really bugs me how there are some cutscenes where modified headmorphs do not show up for some strange reason - the character in question still has their vanilla head (for example, the intro cutscene to the Dwarf Noble origin, where Gorim's modded morph don't show up). I prodded around the toolset and couldn't figure out how to fix this. Does anyone know how? :wacko:
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In Gorim's case, that scene up to the palace door is a bink movie which cannot be altered without removing it entirely. It's annoying in cases where characters like Duncan, Zevran, Howe, Teagan, Loghain, Anora, are customized, yet are still in their vanilla form in the bink movie cutescenes. The only way around it is to create an entirely new cutscene. The bink movie scenes are in the toolset with zz before the name, and some tracks in the making of the cutscene can play smaller bink movies. The human noble origin is an excellent example for the switchover from day to night. The characters are placed in the pc's bedroom, but the bink movie will play over their initial animations until the bink itself is over.
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I'm just backing Dan up on this one. Yeah, those scenes that dont show the new morphs are .bik files, not .cut or whatever files. They can't be edited, like a .cut could be. It would basically mean editing it in a video editing program.

Now, however.... somebody that wanted to take the time and effort into it, could replace the binks with a custom cutscene, and make the necessary edits. Lotta tedious work tho :(

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