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Deadly Reflex Question


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Anyone happen to know what was the most stable version of deadly reflex was before the bugs of V5 and the introduction of dodging? The dodging has rendered Oblivion virtually unplayable. I'll survive without my awesome front stab decapitation move, if need be. I just want to be able to hit a guy with an arrow from time to time.


I'm really flabbergasted that v5 has been the working release of DR for so long. It's broken.

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I couldn't agree more. I can't seem to uninstall the mod. I uncheck it, and it's still in my game as if I'd left it checked. I delete every file associated with the game, and I get the missing master startup CTD because I don't have the horse combat master enabled.


But I love the mod, outside of the arrow dodging. I've tried replacing the dodge animation with the normal idle animation. The arrows go right through them as if they're dodging. Even with this, I'm not complaining. There are way worse mods to be stuck with.



I wish I knew enough about scripting to just fix that part. I feel like I know just shy of enough. I've fixed a few things about it:


1. I fixed the dodging move draining so much fatigue each time, because it screwed with my fatigue mod.


2. I fixed a small script that set the GlobalTimeMultiplier in the .ini to 1.0000 upon pressing escape. Most people wouldn't notice that, but I do because I play at 1.2500.



I have a feeling that Deadly Reflex is dead. Sky Captain is a genius and obviously (hopefully) got hired by a major development house. We may have even seen his work already in some game or another.


A bunch of us who understand scripting should get together in a thread on here and discuss ways to fix the bugs. Would it be against the rules to post whole swaths of code from the mod and discuss them? I'm sure it would be against the rules to upload modified files. But what about openly discussing ways to edit the files ourselves? I've seen certain parts of the code that might be the culprit.

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Well, SkyCaptain stated in his licensing/legal section of the readme that he needed to be contacted before any part of the mod were repackaged for release. Now, I've only ever made a few areas for oblivion and morrowind, and a few NPCs for morrowind for my own personal use, and thus am not overly familiar with modder etiquette. I imagine if all that was put here were sections of raw code, and instructions telling others how to edit the mod themselves, then we wouldn't technically be violating that agreement -- though it would be nice to ask anyway.


Mind you that would all be contingent on finding a bunch of people with the knowledge and the will do figure out how to change those things. (Provided they *can* be changed.) I, for one, would certainly think it would be worth doing. I'm astonished it hasn't been done already.


I would imagine that it would require changing whatever script calls up NPCs' dodging behavior, rather than getting rid of the animation.

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Well, hell... I just managed to edit normal dodging behavior out of the game... or so it would seem. It's not even particularly hard.


I simply opened up CombatMoves.esp in the CS, opened the script editor, opened up SkycaptainsNPCNormalDodgeQuestScript (Or something along those lines) and then deleted the whole thing, except for the first line, which I made

scriptname SkycaptainsNPCNormalDodgeQuestScript

(or whatever it is by default) so that it would save. I saved it, and hooray, all features seem to be intact -- including PC dodging. The NPCs are simply firing a blank script when they would normally dodge.


Feel free to do this. I make no guarantees that it will work as intended, nor do I guarantee that it wont be harming DeadlyReflex, your saved game, your installation of Oblivion, your computer, or your sanity in some insidious way. Have fun.


They still do the much more rare acrobatic dodging which came with DR, which, frankly, I've never had a problem with. I would imagine that you could get rid of it in the same way.


The magic hostility bug would be much more technically challenging to fix, and is way out of my league. You'd think that enough people use this mod that there would be one or two scripters out there that'd want to try and fix it. I don't suppose that anyone on this forum would fall into that category?

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A bit late, but I felt that I should mention that I noticed that getting rid of dodging in the aforementioned manner has the side effect of getting rid of the magic hostility bug, or so it would seem. The bug would always strike after an NPC dodged a friendly spell. No more dodging means no more considering it hostile, apparently. It didn't even occur to me that I should check, and I didn't use a charm spell until now, on account of being so accustomed to the bug.


I know nothing about scripting and I somehow fixed both of my complaints about DR. Hooray!

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