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Several Mod Ideas?!


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Not sure if any of these Mods have been attempted but I figure I'd throw them out there.,


1. New Creatures - Giant Wolverines and Badgers, Squirrels, chipmunks etc.. great immersion I thought. As well as new battling creatures especially the Wolverines < Various Coats etc..


2. Grappling Hook, climbing boots etc.. for climbing also a percentage chance of fail.


3. More Unmarked camps with bandits and creatures etc.. and more travelers hostile and friendly with voice overs with minor quests


4. Ayleid/Elven Ruins - Snow Elven/Ayleid with quests, major and minor would be awesome.


5. Various/Varied looking Giants, Instead of basic vanilla, different beards, various hair tones/eye color, different facial features , A few different weapons and Armors, nothing too drastic, just more realistic for great immersion.


6. Burial grounds/Isolated/abandoned tombs with better Undead creatures, Such as Ghouls, Various Zombies, Lurking Vampires, Feral Cannibals, Necromancers. Grave robbers etc.. with Minor quests


Just some Ideas that I think would be Awesome and very Lore friendly,


Also I do some great voice overs, my accents are very distinctive, Nordic, Eastern Slavic, Scottish, Middle Eastern, etc.. raspy and open

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