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Problem with creating World Space


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im having problems with creating world spaces. whenever i create a new one and test it out in Fallout 3 the whole world space is under water. Ive tried different combinations of the LOD Water Height and the Default Water Height but nothing seems to get the water to go away in the game.

Any Thing you guys can tell me will help so plz leave a comment

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Nice to see a new one that wants to create new world spaces! However please tell a bit what you want to achieve?

Do you want water at all or get rid of it to only have land? If you want water have you truly raised land above water level?


This part in G.E.C.K. you just not jump into and get things working out of box theres a lot of bugs and traps how to set it up to have a chance to get the results you want. Have you read up on world space and followed some of the links on creation on Bethesdas GECK wiki Also there are some detailed threads regarding techniques and workarounds for some of the most annoying problems you can have on both the official Bethesda forum and here on Nexus Forums.


Please tell a bit more what you tried and what you want to do, that will make it easier for people to jump in with more accurate and fast reply to what might have gone wrong, or even better links to tutorials that explains it. For instance if you don't care about water and don't want to dive into LOD creation there is one fast approach to create new world spaces with a few limitations of course.

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