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ESP files?


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Yeah, the new textures arent loading, people are invisible. As for the archive invalidation, dont know how to do it, installed the auto archive invalidation thingy. Didnt do anything. Idk what i did wrong.


EDIT: Allright....OMFG....The Data folder of the mod and main data folder in the darn game files are both the same name....So, whenever i try to put the data into the main Oblivion folder, it doesnt work...Ahhhh...I dont understand this, i thougt every mod had a damn installer, thats what i expected. But yeah, regardless, i need help, my textures are making people invisible...:D....


Nope, not all have installers, unfortunately. What you wanna do is just merge your two Data folders. Anytime it asks if you wanna merge folders, you wanna say yes. Well, almost any time. In the Oblivion Data folder, there will be folders labeled "meshes," "textures," and similar things. You're gonna wanna put the matching folders from your mods in there. Say "yes" to merge the folders, like I just said. Your .esp file will just be in "Data," no folders past that. I'm not sure about the invisible people, though.


THANK YOU, its working now....Allright...now, im a bit disappointed that this applies for all NPCs...I just wanted it to work on my toon. My most concerning question is: How do people do things like this? ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeJyXyzANOA I would really like it if some of these mods could only apply for my character. I wanna create some more detailed faces of my own...And clothing/armor, whatever you wanna call it, this looks so fun!


Also, the thing that compells me most to start modding is this one guy one youtube (who unfortunately closed his account ,and i cant show you guys the video) who had the eyes of his character look really glossy/amazing, i mean, the face, wow...excellent job. I wish i could modify the body aswell...Ever since i played APB, i automatically thought of Oblivion. ...So, basically guys, which other visual mods/character mods can you recommend, and, how can i get started, i wanna get into this, this is just awesome! I SO wanna make my own armour.


When you say "like this," what are you referring to? I didn't actually watch the videos, admittedly, but do you mean the bouncing breasts, or just making the armors in general, or there characters, or what?

Some mods that improve characters: Sorry, I'm too lazy to actually link them, just search on the Nexus. There's Ren's Beauty Pack, Capucine's Character Expansion, Natural Faces, Beautiful People, and Better Bouncing Breasts are some of the most popular. As far as body replacers go, there's HGEC, Exnem's Eyecandy, Fantasy Figures, The Girl Next Door, Robert's, and many more, though I can't think of all of them off the top of my head now.


As for making your own... Well, that's a lengthy process. It's best to start by learning to retexture. Creating new meshes is much trickier. You're gonna wanna learn Blender, as well as a few other programs. Some guides can be found here. I recommend looking up tutorials on the CS Wiki, they're really helpful. Good luck!

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1. Download and install BBB_for_DMRA from BBB for BBB

2. Download and install Coronerras Maximum Compatibilities Skeleton

3. Download and install one of the following animation replacers: 1,2,3

4. Download and install DMRA KOTN Armor (you already have DMRA Skimpy Armor Expanded).

5. Download and install BBB_for_KOTN and BBB_for_Stock_FULL from BBB for DMRA armor stock and KOTN


You might need to use Archive Invalidation if the armors don't show up in-game and you should know that it will apply to every female NPC wearing any of the armors that were replaced.

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1. Download and install BBB_for_DMRA from BBB for BBB

2. Download and install Coronerras Maximum Compatibilities Skeleton

3. Download and install one of the following animation replacers: 1,2,3

4. Download and install DMRA KOTN Armor (you already have DMRA Skimpy Armor Expanded).

5. Download and install BBB_for_KOTN and BBB_for_Stock_FULL from BBB for DMRA armor stock and KOTN


You might need to use Archive Invalidation if the armors don't show up in-game and you should know that it will apply to every female NPC wearing any of the armors that were replaced.



Hmmm...Im a bit confused...This whole BBB thing is a bit confusing. Why would i have to install BBB for DMRA and BBB for KoTn DMRA? Doesnt the BBB in step # 1 apply for all DMRAs? Also, as for breast SIZE....eer...any way to reduce em for my toon? Another question, is it safe to say; uncheck the mods in Data files if I get tired of these mods? Also, .....hhhmmm...i dont know how to say this, but...Is it possible to make the DMRA mod only apply for My character, and not NPCs? I'd like to fine-tune a lot of things.EDIT


But yeah, thanks for all the help/support you guys.


EDIT: Ok, im on the KotN step...Its asking me if i want to merge folders for so many files, like "f" and "F" and Knights of The Knight.esp w/ Kotn.esp etc. Its asking me to either copy and keep both files or copy and replace...Im confused.

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Ok, im having some trouble getting the BBB mod to work...Im not even sure if they have taken effect and are working, idk how i should go about doing that... How do you activate the special walk animation anyway, apparently thats installed aswell, but im not seeing it. Im lookin in its folder, and noticed there is another folder called _male ??? Whats up with that? Gah...im so confused right now, i have no idea what to do...This modding business is really frustrating....
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That isn't an animation replacer, it's a body replacer. It just makes all females have the DMRA body when naked.


Sorry, sexywalk_0_6 , thats the one i got,k idk why i said DMRA, already got that. , but yeah, i need to get the Kotn DMRA working, and BBB. I dont see any Itagaki breast physics at all...

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That one has a prerequisite, you need to download 1 or 2.


Ok, now for the Itagaki physics....BBB isnt working, i dont know why. I got all DMRAs, What am i missing, i installed BBB_For_DMRA, and its not working.


Oh yeah, also, to make sure i got Kotn DMRA working, i wanted to use the console to add the crusader armor, but i cant get it working


EG: Crusader cuirass is xx000EB4 , so it would be Player.additem xx000EB4 1 , i did that, but it didnt work...

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