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Far Cry

The script (I presume) which runs after finishing the tutorial and talking to dennis


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Hello all,


First let me thank you for the many mods you have produced and no doubt long hours spent figuring out the bits of information which I presume to ask you to tell me.


What I'm after is this:


I hope to modify the game slightly so that all the gear normally crafted after chasing down animals all over the map is unlocked.


I am assuming from looking at another author's description of his mod that this is done by script?


In any case I have unpacked patch.dat and am combing through it looking for an .xml or script which controls this and haven't found it yet.


If any of you would be so kind as to point me in the right direction I would be most appreciative.




I found this http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/734046-Mods-for-Far-Cry-3-Forums/page125 which appears to be wha tI'm looking for.


I haven't quite nailed it down yet, because when I repacked the patch.fat/.dat and started a new game, some of the stuff I edited into the script was active and some not, like the larger gear sizes for wallets, etc.


Getting a lot closer thanks to Chorizosss!!!


--2nd EDIT--


So, I think I can make this work easily enough with an unmodded game, and I can get part of it to work using Ziggy's mod, the problem is Ziggy's mod or some mod which he has compiled into his mod changes and indeed seems to leave out many of the types of craftables I'm trying to work with, for example:


The base game (at least in the 1.05 patch I'm working with (steam edition)) has the names of the recipes as "ammo patch extra large" whereas Ziggy's has them as "Ammo Belt T1" and as I said in Ziggy's some of them appear to be missing entirely???


The ones that are merely renamed are easy enough to deal with, I just adjusted the names to match what's been changed. The problem I have now is what to do with the ones that appear to be ommited. The wallets for example don't appear in Ziggy's, so does that mean they're still using the base game names? Hmmm.

Maybe I answered my own question. Back to work.

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