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Nude Raider Armor - Need help please

Talon Company

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Hi all, I'm probably going about this the entire wrong way, pardon my retardation but that's how I get things done. So I'm attempting a mod similar to the Nude Painspike Armor mod for the other raider armors too, beginning with the Badlands Armor. All I want to do is take the shirt and vest out and shorten up the pants some.


I finally figured out how to delete a bunch of vertices off the mesh in Blender, and I managed to get it into Nifskope and assigned textures to it (looks good by the way), but it shows up invisible in the GECK. I don't think I handled the skeletoning part correctly, and perhaps a few Blender settings were wrong. Can someone spare some help on this please (in return for honorable mention on the mod page once I get it uploaded)?


Thanks in advance,


Talon Company

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Thanks, that helped a lot. I'm still doing something wrong though, everything shows up in Nifskope besides the meatcaps, I get the skeleton okay, the armor okay, the body okay and I can change the shader settings for them, but the meatcaps aren't there at all. The armor shows up correctly in the GECK now, with its proper texture and the black-shaded body, but only the Upper Body and Berry HD (I imported that as my body - femaleupperbody.nif, right?) show in the Model Data, so I'm losing the meatcap references somewhere. Copying/Pasting branches from the regular armor's hierarchy in a second Nifskope instance didn't help either. Please help - I'm losing my miiiiiiiiiiind. Everything works fine - it's just that the armor is invisible in game and hides all but the NPC's head and hands. I feel like I'm bumping into a wall repeatedly and there's a door right beside me. Someone please show me the door!
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