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I remember when I was playing morrow wind I could go to an enchanter and get my amour, weapon and jewlry enchanted for a price. I found that very usful as then I could spend my perk points on things I wanted and not wast them on enchanting. Simarlery it would be good if I could walk into a black smiths shop a say hay jack Ineed arealy good bow with good range and hit points can you make that for me, his his reply would either be sure be ready in a week and will cost x septums, or sorry mate you need to go to........ Fill in name and location, or sorry to difficult for me you'll have find sombody else. This all depending on skill level, faction allignment and your speech level. Can some one make this or point me towards one or more mods that could help me. Thanks in advance.
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Checked it out will be trying it, it certainly seems to tick a lot of the boxes. I also saw at the bottom of the nexus page for this mod there was a reference to a mod in developement that looked even better. The auther of the mod you recomended claimed it was intended as a temperary mod until the other is finnished, so a good piece of advice from you thx mate.
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