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Ok.. so my question is, has anyone else lost their DLC from the goty edition? i played and beat it and got all but one achievment and i let it sit for like 2 weeks and it all disapeared... shivering isles and knights of nine... help!
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i think its console and i dont think the pc version has achievements fo3 does but theres a mod for it to where you can get them but i cant say the same for obliv on pc but console for sure
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Sorry i took so long... yes it still says it has to download dlc but then it just goes away i guess... i had the madness armor but now its just a black outline.. and this is for the 360 consol.
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Good luck getting answers. This site is mainly for the PC version and the thousands of free mods we have for Oblivion (Over 20,000 now). Not many of our members will know much about the console version. A few may be able to help though.
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oh.... haha i shoul have guessed from all the mod forums... well i feel dumb :sweat: oh well i still like this site because it has a bunch of rpg fanatics like me, thanks bben46
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