chaospearl Posted August 14, 2010 Share Posted August 14, 2010 So I'm up in the middle of nowhere in the Jeralls when suddenly a message flashes across my screen: Savesh Arem is unconscious. Errr okay. I'm familiar with the notification; it happens whenever an essential character "dies" but can't die due to being essential. I ignored it. A minute later it happened again, followed by: Carmonna Tong Thug is unconscious. May have spelled that wrong. And it keeps happening. I get both messages spamming my screen repeatedly for over an hour of play and it's driving me nuts. Aftrer some Googling I discovered that Savesh Arem and the thug are actors from the mod AFK_Weye, but I have no idea what the hell they're doing that is causing them both to "die" repeatedly again and again while I'm halfway across the map. Anything to be done about this? I thought there was some kind of console command that lets you teleport directly to an NPC but for the life of me I can't figure out how. All I know about those NPCs are the names, not the editor IDs or anything. Should I just fast travel to Weye and hopefully that's where they are? And once I find them, howinhell do I stop them from doing whatever it is that their AIs evidently instruct them to do? I don't want to break the mod by shutting them down or something. I just need them to stop dying every 5 minutes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Norinvaux Posted August 14, 2010 Share Posted August 14, 2010 Open console and type "player.moveto " then type the reference ID of the NPC or object you wish to move to. For example, if I want to find a sword called 0003059A, then I would type "player.moveto 0003059A". A loading screen should come up, and when it's gone you should be right next to (or on top of) the target object/NPC. To get their reference IDs, just load the mod in the CS and look for their names in the NPC dropdown menu. Judging by them constantly dying, my guess is either they're fighting each other, or they're both drowning. Best thing to do if they're fighting is target them and type "stopcombat" then "set AV aggression 0" to each of them. If they're drowning, find an object that isn't in the water, then get the reference ID of that object. Then target the NPC and type "moveto " then the ID of the object on land. The NPC should appear where the object is, saving them from endless drowning. Hope this helps! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megatarius Posted August 17, 2010 Share Posted August 17, 2010 It could also be that another mod is adding a monster to the same area they are. I kept getting message that one of the priests at a Daedric Shrine (I can't remember either name anymore) was unconscious. When I got to the shrine (by coincidence) I noticed a Hill Giant from MMM had been laying waste to everyone there and the head priest was essential so he alone was endlessly surviving it's wrath. Three shields and ten health potions later I had put a stop to the situation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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