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BetterMusicSystem Plugin for Shivering Isles not activating


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I am running the Steam GOTY Edition of Oblivion (which includes Shivering Isles).


When I attempt to activate BetterMusicSystem(SI).esp plugin for BetterMusicSystem.esm, I am instantly greeted with "This is not a valid Oblivion plugin or Master fille." I have read the BMS readme and followed it throughly. I properly installed OBSE and its two required .DLL plugins. The BMS package itself works just fine for the Oblivion mainland.


I have used both BOSS an OBMM to reorder the BetterMusicSystem(SI).esp file so that it loads after the DLCShiveringIsles.esp file. I have completely deleted all traces of Oblivion and BMS from my system and reinstalled only to have the exact same issue again.


No matter what I try, I cannot activate the BetterMusicSystem(SI).esp file and, hence, BMS will not load music from the Mania or Dementia folders while I am in the Shivering Isles campaign.


Please.... Help me. Thanks!

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Thank you Norinvaux!


The plugins (BetterMusicSystem(SI).esp & BetterMusicSystem(Elsweyr).esp MUST be activated in OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager). Browsing the Data files from the Oblivion launcher will automatically deactivate them and produce the "not a valid Oblivion plugin" error. The solution is to activate and deactivate any and all mods exclusively through OBMM. In other words, never click the "Data" button from the Oblivion launcher or these plugins will be immediately deselected.

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