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Script Help - IsInCombat Variable


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Could someone give me a hand with the IsInCombat variable for the sake of a condition?


I'm trying to alter my in-progress companion's greeting, depending on whether it's in combat or not. He's generally not liable to talk about anything except tactics while in combat (being a professional soldier and all), so I intend to create a new response under GREETING. Something like 'This isn't exactly a good time, you know', with the choices being the tactics menu.


Anyway, here's my problem - I'm not sure how to set the condition so that I'm detecting IsInCombat. I'm very new to this whole modding business, you see. Would I have to write an all-new script? If so, what subject would I run that script on, since the companion's already got his own script?


Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!


Best regards,



EDIT: *headdesk* Alright, so turns out I can just set that straight as a condition.


I am, officially, an idiot.



Edited by MarchUntoTorment
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