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FO3 particles / water displacement


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Hello, help me out please with these problems. they're not too critical, but I'd like to solve them. During the game i noticed that quality of particles, like weapons' muzzleflash, explosions, smoke, etc. went down.

Here are the screenshots:


http://img62.imageshack.us/f/wtf3pk.jpg/ this is quality-down fog indoors


http://img152.imageshack.us/f/wtf2f.jpg/ quality-down muzzleflash


http://img534.imageshack.us/f/wtf4.jpg/ and this is quality-down smoke


Is there any way to raise the quality of particles like editing fallout.ini or else?


And second trouble is, when I turn on @water displacements@ setting on, then this bug occurs when I enter the water: http://img686.imageshack.us/f/wtf5z.jpg/


When I turn this setting off, the bug dissapears, but there isn't displacements also. Please help me out with these!

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