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Saved Game Request


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I hope this is the right place to ask about this. Not exactly a "Mod" but... I was wondering if anyone could tell me where to find a saved game that is essentially clean/mod free, that has the dawnguard quest line completed already. I like Serana as a follower, but I have done the dawnguard quest so many times I am getting pretty sick of it. Ideally I would like one where it is as low level of a character as possible, and with her cured of her vampirism or at the final stage where I can do that if I want to, and the dawnguard main questline is completed up to the point required for that. The dawnguard side quests are not important to have completed but if they are that would be fine too. Thanks a lot for any help.

P.S. I am already aware of saved game archives on mod websites and whatnot. I looked through them and unless I missed something I can't find any example of what I am looking for.

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