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realistic Ebony Armor


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ok, seriously, am I the only one getting seriously confused and annoyed by this? In Skyrim lore, Ebony is Volcanic Glass aka Obsidian. And just one look at the Ebony armor i see some major flaws. 1. It looks like its made from 1 single material. Even glass armor (which is actually a crystal) is made from Elven armor with Crystal enhancements. But Ebony armor looks like its a single pure material (it is literally only made from ebony and leather strips). 2. Obsidian is fragile. and i mean REALLY fragile. Anything made from Obsidian would shatter on impact. 3. THAT DOESN"T LOOK LIKE OBSIDIAN. Its looks like Steel, or maybe actual Ebony. but it sure doesn't look like volcanic glass.


and my 4th point is. Neither Obsidian nor Ebony would be useful as weapon or armor. Its only purpose would be as decorative armor for royal guards. It should NOT be the third strongest crafting material in the game

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