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Couple of newbie questions


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As far as changing your race and such, here's what you do, just make sure you back up your save file first:


1. open the console by pressing ~, the button right to the left of 1 on your keyboard.


2. type in showracemenu (all one word) and press enter


3. fiddle with whatever you want, name, hair, race, etc. till you get what you want.


4. DO NOT press the done button. While the console is still open, press esc, save, and quit Oblivion.


5. Restart Oblivion, open your new save, and everything should be new like you set it too.



As far as reducing lag, there are some mods out there you could install. Ones that come to mind right away are Oblivion Stutter Remover, Streamline, and Windom Earle's Crash Prevention System. All three are good mods to install no matter what. Here are the links respectively:









I hope these help for you.

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If I get one, let's say, Oblivion Stutter Remover, would I still need to get the others or would that be redundant?


You can use OSR and Streamline's FPS management if Streamline's FPS management range is within OSR's range. Although you only really need to use both if one isn't enough (Streamline changes things like your graphics settings as your playing while OSR does something different). Streamline does have a section where it does similarly to what OSR does but even then you can use that section of Streamline and OSR at the same time with no conflict that I can detect as long as Streamline's FPS range is within OSR's.

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