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Modders: Include your collection set in Ultimate Scavenger


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Do you have a collection set you'd like to share, but don't want to go through the trouble placing throughout the game world? Who knows where the player has been already, or what areas they have access to through DLCs and other mods. Don't you wish there was a "randomize" button that would take these factors into account, and place your collection automatically? You could modify the game's vanilla levelled item lists, but if another mod also modifies those lists, you may need to make compatibility patches. It's also not the ideal solution if items in your collection are meant to be one-of-a-kind.


Well I can't give you a randomize button, but I am working on the next best alternative. With Ultimate Scavenger installed, players can loot new location types in any area they have access to. Currently, only rubble piles are lootable, but the next version will include mechanical and electronic salvage and more. Loot is entirely generated by script, so if you want a reliable and fun method for players to find your collection, just leave a comment below giving me permission. Your collection's resources will be integrated, and a link to your mod will be included in the Credits section of Ultimate Scavenger's description page. Please include the chance in % of finding your items, and if they are meant to be unique. If desired, additional checks could be made to exclude your collection if the player has your mod installed.


For more information on Ultimate Scavenger, visit this page:




Thanks for your consideration.

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