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[request] MCM Spell editor


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Before I start my suggestion/request, I must admit that I'm not a modder and I don't know much about creating mods. So if my request is a wishful thinking/impossible to do, then sorry.

I can only guess, that if it's possible, it will probably take LOTS of work.



So here's my suggestion:

Basicly what I'm asking for is an special MCM, which allows you to create and modify new spells. Through the MCM you could change spell's properties and add them to your spellbook.

Properties you could change:

- Name of the spell

- Mana cost

- Casting time

- 2-handed or 1-handed spell

- Collors and visual effects for projectile and for casting hands

- Sounds of casting etc.

- Damage [base damage, some simple damage modifiers and damage type]

- Other minor effects (life drain, mana drain, stamina drain, stagger, incapacitate etc.)

- Visual effect upon killing npc with the spell (changing into dust, Miraak's death animation - it's realy cool, tho I'm not sure if it's doable, etc.)



That's about it. Thanks to such menu you could create your own spell within the game. And I bet some of people would get very interesting spells out of it :P

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