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Lady Gaga


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I was looking all over the different modding sites but i couldnt find a single mod that made a female character look like lady gaga. So, i decided to request it because i am just learning the basics of modding and wouldnt be able to do it. I was also hoping someone could also make some of her crazy ass costumes for the character. Hopefully someone decided to do this cuz it would be awesome. Thanks to whomever actually decides to make her.
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As far as the face goes, you can adjust that in the character creation, although you may have to download the construction set and create a race and adjust the face sliders in that, to get the desired look. Some of her features are beyond what the ingame character creator can do. You'll have more freedom to stretch out the features in the construction set.

To be honest with you, and I'm not being funny or sarcastic, but you're only going to be able to get close with her face and not exact. The CS doesn't allow you to adjust teeth.


You're going to have a tough time with the hair because I'm not sure that there are any out there that are that extreme, but if you go after the bangs or straight hair looks, you'll have success.

The clothing is really going to be tough, but there are dresses in some of the Goth mods that could get you in the vicinity. You'll just have to scan through the clothing mods and see for yourself.

It really boils down to a lot of looking around and learning the CS. The CS is simple to work with when it comes to faces.

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