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Dragon Tattoos


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Hi, I'm looking for a mod that, from my recollection, was called "Dragon Tattoos." It wasn't really a mod and it wasn't texture replacer. It was simply a .pds file with a collection of different dragon tattoos that one could "copy paste" onto whatever texture by using gimp or shop.


I downloaded it here on tesnexus, but I lost all of my mods due to a hard drive failure. And "dragon tattoos" was no longer on tesnexus by the time I got my new hard drive. It has been driving me crazy because it had this one dragon tattoo that fit to my character perfectly. On top of that this is literally the last thing I need to find from all the mods I lost.


I have looked at literally thousands of different dragon tattoos on the internet, but nothing comes close to the one that was in this pack. And I would greatly appreciate it if any one could point out to me where I could find it.

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I'm sorry. This was meant to go into the "oblivion mod detectives" topic. Please forgive my error as I am not well aquainted with the technical use of these forums.
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