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Is there a way to reset magicka?


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I have dagger i made a script for. It's a combo of other scripts ive perused along the way with alittle of my input aswell.


Basically it insta kills a enemy if you are sneaking and undetected and "restores" you to full health by use of the player.resethealth command.


I wonder if there was a reset command for magicka. I already tried reset.magicka and reset.magic; both didn't work.


I am gonna try something like player.restore magicka 10000 or mayby player.modav magicka 10000, but i think that last one wouldn't be for everyone.


I guess if someone or I figure it out that it would be a pretty good atronach bs character weapon. Im too tired right now to work on it.


Hope someone has some brightness comming out of they head soon. :D

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The potion thing worked! Thanks for the idea alonzomartinez.


I decided instead to make this a no cost soul trapping spell but instead of soul traping, it kills the target and adds the potion to your inventory with the


player.additem #### 1 command, then it makes you "drink" the potion by player.equipitem ##### 1 command.


I then made it attached to equiping/unequiping a special pair of gauntlets. You don't have access to the spell without them equiped.


The spell won't work unless you are sneaking and undetected.


I think it's the perfect atronach char spell.

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