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Save Files Problems


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Hello everybody. I have a problem with my saved games, cause i had to reistal windows and when i copied the old saves into the new directory i canot open them (when i enter the game and try to open the save file the game see the files but its written that they are ''corrupted'') . I have played for many hours i don't want to start ower again. Please help :(
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Hello everybody. I have a problem with my saved games, cause i had to reistal windows and when i copied the old saves into the new directory i canot open them (when i enter the game and try to open the save file the game see the files but its written that they are ''corrupted'') . I have played for many hours i don't want to start ower again. Please help :(


I'm not sure if it matters, but how did you back up the files during the reinstall? If it was to a CD, then they may be set to read-only if you just drag-dropped them back onto the harddisk.


Try this: go to the \my documents\my games folder, right click on the oblivion folder and click on the read/write permissions button. when it askes do you want to apply to subfolders and files, click "yes".


Other than that, the only reason I can think of the files might have trouble loading is if they are expecting mods to be installed that you have not put back in after reinstalling the game. But that should cause "missing data" errors, not corrupt file errors.


Hope this helps.

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