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Simple bandage mod


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I love playing with no health regen for the immersion, and for the same reason i would like to not use healing spells and health potions when not playing as a mage, so i still need some kind of health regen in the form of bandages.

There are two bandage mods out there right now, i love the way this one works http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14809/? in regards to the simple crafting, but the way it is coded makes it so that it will not work if you have no health regen, and even if i set regen no .01 it only regens one health, so it doesn't really work.


This one http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35219/ works with no health regen but the bandages are way too powerful.


I would love it if somebody could make a simple mod to add bandages that can be made with tundra cotton in the same way that the first mod i mentioned works and only heals 15 or so health, and whomever makes it will receive chocolate chip cookies.

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