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does any1 have some free ps3 falout 3 mods


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The owners of the console platforms, PS3 = Sony, Xbox = MS, (and NES & Wii = Nintendo, for completeness) do not allow "community" mods to be installed. In fact, there is a fairly tedious formal approval ("certification") process for getting anything released for use in that world, and it costs real money to go through it.


While it might be technically possible to find a way to break into a console's programming and alter a game's code, (without totally borking either the game or the console itself. Not a trivial problem right there!) such actions would violate a number of TOS and DRM agreements that you, the purchaser/player "signed".


So... as noted above, there just aren't any. :(


[ EDITED for even more completeness: Nintendo does have a highly restrictive "community mod" environment for the Wii. It is possible to create certain types of content for that platform, and to distribute it fairly easily and at no charge. Custom Mii, anyone? ]

Edited by Thandal
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